Welcome to this new space

I’ve sat down to write this introductory post about 5 times now, each time unsuccessfully. So here goes…

So firstly, if you are new here, hello! I am Emma, originally from down south, I moved to Manchester at 18, where I am still based (14 years later!) I am a qualified yoga teacher, offering classes in and around Manchester and (occasionally) online! I gained my qualification at the end of November 2019 in India, after falling in love with the practice and personally feeling the urge to step out of my comfort zone and take on a new challenge. You can learn more about the styles of yoga I am qualified to teach in my “about me” section and I’m sure I will go into more detail about my training at some point, if it’s something people are keen to hear about!

Having started out on this path very much online during the lockdowns of 2020, over the last year, as life has become busier once again, I’ve found myself teaching and generally sharing less online. I miss my little online community that I grew so close to, but often find myself without the energy for social media. SO, here may be the place! I’m not yet sure what I will be sharing, info on classes, yoga tips, possibly some more personal bits and whatever else you guys would like to hear about or would find helpful! Bear with me while I find my feet. Your feedback is welcome!

Anyway, a very warm welcome, whoever may be reading this – wherever you may be!

All my love,


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Welcome to this new space

I’ve sat down to write this introductory post about 5 times now, each time unsuccessfully. So here goes… So firstly, if you are new here,